General FAQ

Do you provide direct ABA services?

At this time, we do not provide direct ABA services. We only provide services under the ID/DD Medicaid Waiver (specifically the FIS and CL waiver).

Do you accept insurance?

No, no we currently do not accept insurance for our services.

Can you work with my child 1:1?

Behavioral Therapeutic Consultation is not a 1:1 service. Our clinicians will work directly with the individual to model for the parent or stakeholder the recommended intervention.

What waivers do you accept?

Community Living (CL ) and Family and Independent Support (FIS) waivers.

Do you provide training at school?

Behavioral Therapeutic Consultation can be rendered in almost any setting. If the individual needs consultative services at school, we are happy to help!

Do you accept private pay?

Yes, please email for more information.

When does the service end?

There is no specific end date. When the individual meets their desired outcomes outlined in their individualized service plan, the clinician will begin fading and discharge.

Do you provide services in my area?

We are available to provide services virtually in Virginia. We currently have in-person clinicians in the following CSB areas: Arlington, Alexandria, Chesterfield, District 19, Henrico, Hanover, Goochland/Powhatan, Fairfax, Prince William County, Region 10.

Do you have in-person availability?

Please contact us to see if we have in-person availability in your area.

Do you provide parent training?

We provide training to parents, staff, teachers, DSPs, family, etc. Behavioral Therapeutic Consultation’s primary service model is training and modeling for stakeholders!

How long is the waitlist?

Please email regarding our waitlist. Our waitlist changes often due to cancellations, new clinicians, etc.

Can the individual receive direct ABA and Therapeutic Consultation at the same time?

Yes! We require that Direct ABA be willing to consult with us at least one time so that we don’t implement conflicting interventions.

How do I fill out a referral form?

You can fill out your initial referral form HERE.

Sexuality Education FAQs

Will you teach skills 1:1 to my child?

At this time, we are not teaching skills 1:1 to any clients unless we are modeling for therapeutic consultation training purposes. We hope to start a social skills group for sexuality education in late 2024.

What curriculum do you all use?

We follow an evidence-based curriculum provided by Elevatus Training.

Do you use an evidence-based curriculum?

We do! You can take a look at the research behind it HERE.

Can you train a teacher or someone that is not the parent?

We can teach this curriculum to any stakeholder.

Are you able to provide advice for a legal sexuality case?

No, we cannot provide any type of legal counseling.

What topics are covered in the parent/staff trainings?

  • Introductions and Setting the Stage

  • Human Development

  • Communication Tips about Sexuality

  • Teachable Moments

  • Responding to Behaviors

Will there be explicit photos?

There are not any explicit photos within our presentation, but we may share resources or links that do. If this is a concern, please let your trainer know in advance.

 BCBA Supervision Service FAQs

Do you supervise RBTs?

We don’t supervise RBTs at this time.

Can you supervise virtually?

Yes, virtual supervision is available.

Can you provide in-person supervision?

We can if the supervisee is within 30 miles of the supervisor.

Can I start my supervision before I start schooling?

We are happy to start supervision at the supervisee’s request, but please note supervision hours cannot be counted towards hours until school has started. 

Will you create a supervision contract?

Yes, we will develop a contract for the supervisor and supervisee.

What if I need to cancel my supervision?

We get it, things come up! Please give us  24 hours notice if you are unable to attend supervision. We are happy to reschedule!

Support is right
around the corner.

Submit your initial referral to get the process started.