Empowering individuals and stakeholders with essential knowledge and skills for informed sexual health decisions.

What is Sexuality

Sexuality education, also known as sex education, are classes or informational courses that aim to provide individuals with accurate information and skills needed to make informed decisions about their sexual health and behavior. Sexual education includes many areas of life, such as: consent, anatomy, hygiene, communication, expression, and types of relationships.

Me Too Scrabble Tiles for Sexuality Education and Training for individuals and stakeholders  enrolled in behavioral therapy counseling services

Why is it important?

Sexuality Education is a universal need and right, yet access is limited for most people in the United States. Individuals with a disability are less likely to receive comprehensive sex education compared to neurotypical peers. When individuals are left out of sex education, they become more vulnerable to sexual assault and exploitation. Several studies show that people with intellectual disabilities are 7x more likely to be sexually assaulted than those without a disability.


This service is available to individuals and their stakeholders receiving therapeutic consultation services. Training is available to stakeholders (parent, staff, teachers, etc) on how to talk about sexuality with their children or clients. Stakeholders can also receive training on the implementation of sexuality education lessons (Consent, Types of Relationships, etc).

Parent Sexuality Education Workshop

A trauma-informed sexuality education training program specially designed for staff of individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities. This training is offered virtually over 4-6 weeks and each training is 45-60 minutes long. Our workshop provides training to staff to comfortably speak to their residents about sexuality. This workshop will discuss effective ways to talk about sexuality.

Staff Sexuality Education Workshop

A trauma-informed sexuality education training program specially designed for parents or caregivers of individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities. This training is offered virtually over 4-6 weeks and each training is 45-60 minutes long. Our workshop provides training to parents and guardians to comfortably speak to their children or adult children about sexuality. This workshop will discuss effective ways to talk about sexuality topics.

OUR curriculum

Our workshops follow Elevatus Training, an evidence-based curriculum specifically designed for individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities.

Benefits of this curriculum:

  • Includes Everything You Need to Get Started

  • Inclusive of all Sexual Orientations and Gender Identities

  • Promotes Sexual Self-Advocacy

  • You Can Start Slow and Add Other Lessons

  • Involvement of People with Disabilities

  • Focus on Abuse Prevention

  • Interactive Opportunities to Practice skills

  • People With Disabilities as Teachers


At James River, gentle guidance and heartfelt compassion shape our approach. We tailor personalized plans and provide unwavering support, fostering growth, independence, and happiness every step of the way.

Questions You May Have

  • At this time, we are not teaching skills 1:1 to any clients unless we are modeling for therapeutic consultation training purposes. We hope to start a social skills group for sexuality education in late 2024.

  • We follow an evidence-based curriculum provided by Elevatus Training.

  • We do! You can find the research HERE.

    1. Introductions and Setting the Stage

    2. Human Development

    3. Communication Tips about Sexuality

    4. Teachable Moments

    5. Responding to Behaviors

  • No, we cannot provide any type of legal counseling.

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around the corner.

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